“When an agency decides to make a transition from one contract to another, the government expects the new contractor to understand its environment to minimize risk. Contractors must ensure that customers can continue to meet their mission requirements without any degradation.”
Top 3 Risks to Qualify When Considering a New Contractor
While the major risks of a transition remain the same, remote transitions have unique complications in typical mitigation strategies. Ensure vendors have key approaches in place to keep your contracts running smoothly:

Team Communication
In order to build trust when a new vendor is coming into a contract in a remote setting, where face-to-face interaction is not an option, effective communication is key. In such a situation, this process is often done through video calls and by phone when video is unavailable. A wide variety of touchpoints with both Government and contractor staff is crucial for building that trust. A key component occurs during proposal review, where it is important to scrutinize a vendor’s transition communication plan and qualify the plan for potential risks. Depending on the size of the team, every staff member should be tagging up with the transition team leadership during stand-ups, or similar sessions, at least once a day. Contract and Transition leadership should also meet with the Government once or twice a day to keep everyone updated.

Staff Assurance
One of the major risks of any transition is loss of incumbent staff and institutional knowledge, but that remains particularly crucial in a remote transition because there is more uncertainty. This should be mitigated with frequent early communication, quick offers and a fully considered staffing plan before the contract starts.

Everyone has the ability to perform video calls now, but it’s also important for everyone to be able to sign documents, fill out HR paperwork, and complete on-boarding remotely and securely while working remotely. Verify their recruiting department and HR has fully remote capabilities.
A Contractor That Knows What to Do
InquisIT’s executive team brings over a decade of experience in remote transitions, and we understand the risks and how to effectively mitigate them. That’s why we continually provide seamless transitions for our Federal customers, including successes such as:
- Dedicated transition teams with experience managing remote work
- 100% targeted incumbent capture rate
- 100% of interviews have required a video interview for at least one interview for over two years
- 100% of transitions in the last four years have been completed on time or early