That time of year again – ready to take the field for those in the federal sector; 4th fiscal quarter. And if you’re not growing, you’re dying…the best opportunity to grow is coming up fast! Some things to think about as you get ready to take the field.
Design Process Efficiency
Like any winning team you have to have a winning system. Proposals are our product in this market. Designing a highly efficient process to drive quality results is key to winning. Sit down with your people, ask questions, analyze what you have written in procedure documents, and see where efficiencies and values can be increased.
Prepare Your People
Much of the year we spend time training and perfecting day-to-day work. Over the next few months, work volume in proposal development will increase. Make sure people understand the system and expectations during the summer. Clearly communicate roles, responsibilities, timelines, and the procedures you modified. Think about incentives and things you can do to maintain work life balance. Get the team ready!
Focus on Being the Best
We all set goals and targets. It logically makes sense. In fact, whoever you sit down with to talk about the business, it’s often the first question. Goals create something tangible you can achieve. However, it’s not what actually drives the result. Motivate your team to do their best. Execute every day at the top of their game – that’s what matters. Of course, when the next banker asks you about your targets, “We are just going to do our best!” is probably not the ideal answer.
Good luck to you all and if we compete with each other, I hope I beat you. 🙂